Second_Hand car price Prediction

Problem statements

    The main aim of this project is to predict the price of used cars using the various Machine Learning (ML) models. This can enable the customers to make decisions based on different inputs or factors namely This research aims to develop a good regression model to offer accurate prediction of car price. In order to do this, we need some previous data of used cars for which we use price and some other standard attributes. Car price is considered as the dependent variable while other attributes as the independent variables. Deciding whether a used car is worth the posted price when you see listings online can be difficult. Several factors, including mileage, make, model, year, etc. can influence the actual worth of a car. From the perspective of a seller, it is also a dilemma to price a used car appropriately. Based on existing data, the aim is to use machine learning algorithms to develop models for predicting used car prices.

Project information

  • Category: Data Science
  • Project URL: SecondHand car price prediction
  • Tools & tech.
    1. Data Science project lifecycle
    2. Exploratory Data Analysis
    3. Machine Learning algorithms
    4. Html5 & Bootstrap
    5. Django Framework